Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Bleat Goes On

As has been widely and sheepishly reported by the cable yackers, Rush Limbaugh is conducting "Operation Chaos". This brilliant plan, as its "commander" Limbaugh states, has as its goal the disruption of the Democratic primary process. He claims to be directing his Dittoheads to keep the primary process going as long as possible in order to cause internal bleeding within the Democratic Party.

This strategem has even received a nod of validation from the upper ranks of punditry. It has been seriously discussed by the likes of NBC's Tim Russert as a factor in Hillary Clinton's continued strength. I believe Fat Head is being given way too much credit and credence.

At any rate, the Master of the A.M. dial has issued new orders. He said yesterday,"I now believe he (Obama) would be the weakest of the Democrat(sic) nominees. I now urge the Democrat(sic) superdelegates to make your mind up and publicly go for Obama."

In a related item, Limbaugh then went on to urge the Sun to rise tomorrow, along with a call for the continued application of the Law of Gravity.

Harking back to the evil nemesis of Maxwell Smart, the other KAOS, isn't it way past time to put Limbaugh under the "Cone of Silence"?


John Manzo said...

I find what Limbaugh is trying to do to be completely reprehensible. It strikes me as remarkably unpatriotic with little to no faith in the process. It also seems to me to demean the entire voting process. For most of us this is a sacred privilege that we have living in a free country. His rants are diminishing that privilege into being a joke.

I'd like to think that no one was moronic enough to actually have done this, but, sadly, I would imagine I hope for too much.

John Gonder said...


It would truly be reprehensible if, in fact, he is doing this.

My point is, though, that I believe Limbaugh has read the tea leaves and correctly identified an election which will result in a large realignment of party loyalties.

The many and varied sins and crimes of the Bush administration have resulted in the lowest approval rating of any U.S. president since statistics were kept. Martin Van Buren may have been lower, but who's to say?

Bush and his henchmen are criminals. I refuse to believe that all, or even most, Republican voters condone his misdeeds. They are certainly not criminal. Rather, they bought a bill of goods about Morning in America, A Thousand Points of Light and now Compassionate Conservatism. The bill of goods was couched in fear: fear of gays, fear of terrorists, fear of the "Death Tax", fear of those that aren't us.It also carried a large measure of hubris.

The complete failure of the Bush administration and its duplicity in the delivery of its Compassion has become obvious to all.

Limbaugh knew it all along. But charlatan that he is, he continued to tout the hard-right line because it leads to the place he wants to be, ie. Grover Norquist's America in which government can be shrunk to the size that it can be "drowned in a bathtub." As Limbauh said once, "Roosevelt is DEAD. His policies live on, but we're doing something about that."

So now the Charlatan detects the earth shifting below his feet and he tells his Dittoheads that it was his plan all along.

"The Sun will come out tomorrow, just you wait and see", said Little Orphan Annie. Limbaugh wants his minions to think he set the orb ablaze and gave it an itinerary.

Anonymous said...

I think the problem is not him, or his "ditto heads," but the mainstream media and other leaders who give him and his companions a free pass on the endless lies.

I only know of Keith Olbermann that tries, but he sometimes ends up sounding whiny. CNN responds not by correcting the misinformation, but by putting on their own "Foxish" lier, Glen Beck.

The playbook is right out of Josef Goebbles. Where are the networks? Where are the progressives with enough credence to counteract this? Where are leaders from government / churches / etc.?

They've all been outfoxed, and it starting to look like 1934.

John Miller