Here on the eve of a momentous vote for the state of Indiana, amid hope for certain candidates fueled by precious little reality, I see a figure of effortless movement, on the periphery of sight, urging us onward to his vision for the future. He likes it there, outside the harsh light of responsibility and blame for the tightening belts and dashed plans of local governments and schools.
He wishes that we local politicians work with limited means to achieve limited goals. He hopes that we can place local government on a regimen of discipline and reduction, so to heed his soul mate's desire of fitting that, and any, government into a bathtub where it might meet its deserved fate (and it's not a bath).
He brags about his conservative saving ways and the budget he placed in surplus. He fails to see the help he got from Washington led to his claim.
He pushes local government to the breaking point by limiting its income from taxes. He forces local governments to cut services to fit the budget and he rides high with 65% approval ratings while others clean up after him.
As racketeers beat the rap they are said to skate. I just wonder how and why My Man gets away with it.
The constitutional amendment to enshrine property tax caps will hobble local government in Indiana for a very long time.
And yet, he skates.
turn out the lights gonder, you and all your obamacare democrats are history
We live in a cowardly, idiotic state, John.
Ahh, but John, the irony of it is that My Man fails to realize he is skating on thin ice... and that is when my pesky schadenfreude kicks in.
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