Friday, August 22, 2008

Rental Registration

The committee formed to address the issue of rental registration and code enforcement will hold it's first meeting this Saturday morning, August 23, at 10:00 A.M. in the Elsa Strassweg Auditorium in the Library.

This meeting is expected to be brief. It is intended to simply outline where the committee is headed.

Those interested are welcome, and encouraged to attend.


G Coyle said...

John, thank you for hosting this meeting. Your comment about a mechanism for stopping "the flow" of rental income as effective and possible needed here is correct. In Boston where I've lived half my life and where there is a large number of rental units, the city and state have a legal system which makes it easy to get information about landlord-tenant obligations, and more importantly, a legal mechanism for diverting your rent money into an escrow account when issues are not resolved. When landlords don't get there rent money, things happen quickly in my experience.

Christopher D said...

Indeed, thank you for this opportunity.
I have forwarded to your personal email a copy of the legislation taht took effect july 1 that effectively erases the " I am not responsible, they are buying the house on contract"

Anonymous said...

The laws and ordinances are on the books. We have not had anyone enforce these laws.

There are a great number of people who feel the City of New Albany is almost impossible to do business in, too many "layers" of government. Too many boards, too many chiefs and not enough indians.

The lack of a responsible Building Commissioner goes back tooo many years, as shown by our substandard housing units.

Can the committee look at the current laws on the books and then maybe figure out WHY there is no enforcement? Thank you.

shirley baird said...


I want to thank you and the other members of this committee for this meeting.

We hear a lot of talk at the council meetings but I think your committee will do something about the housing problems.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

Nice start today, John. You ran a good meeting. Glad you're taking it on.

Highwayman said...


As an after the event comment,
Well Done!

I think this was a good start!

John Gonder said...

Thanks to all for giving up a summer Saturday morning. And thanks for the positive comments.

As many noted,today was, in fact, just a start. The next meeting will be scheduled soon after Labor Day.