Sunday, September 21, 2008

When Life Hands You Lemons...

With a meteorological snap of the fingers last Sunday, New Albany found itself challenged and changed. What I believe to be the single most significant architectural feature of our city, St. Mary's church, has been de-steepled, hopefully this abasement is only temporary.

The wind blew the dust off another more troubling weakness in our civic infrastructure: vivid recognition and willing acceptance of limitations. In some instances this could be called fear: fear of the unknown, fear of other people getting what is mine, fear of other people simply getting something I don't have, fear of other people's dreams eclipsing or supplanting my own limited vision of the what can be, fear of change.

Two issues come to mind when thinking of this creeping paralysis of fear: repairing Spring Street Hill and dealing with the new reality confronting the Baptist Tabernacle building.

I received an anonymous correspondence from somebody who apparently thinks it is foolish to repair Spring Street Hill. Quoting from this correspondent's letter,

"What are the Council's and this England administration's priorities?

Two-way streets? Spring Street Hill?

What the hell is wrong with this England Administration and Council?"

I walked through much of the city during the primary and general election campaign. While walking through Silver Hills, one issue received nearly unanimous support, repairing Spring Street Hill. Yes, it's an expensive project but it's one that simply must be done. I am by no means wealthy, but if I lose one or two of my front teeth, I will find the money somehow, someway, to get those teeth fixed. Likewise, a viable city can not simply write off parts of its infrastructure if it wants to be seen, or perhaps more importantly, if it wants to see itself , as viable. Perhaps the anonymous writer sees Silver Hills residents as "others" not entitled to claim what the rest of us take for granted, such as easy access by police and fire departments during emergencies. The writer may also take a less forceful view of dentistry than I.

The Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, was on one of the Sunday morning talk shows today. He said New York went through a spell in the late Seventies when leaders just threw up their hands and basically gave up; grafitti was not cleaned up, streets weren't paved, maintenance was deferred. He said decisions prior to his election, perhaps Giuliani's, recognized that the failure on the part of the city to uphold its end of the bargain, turned people away from the city, something like, "if the city doesn't care about keeping itself up, why should I want to try to set up a business there?" Anticipating the anonymous writer's response presaged by this quote, "Don't you realize we are not Jeffersonville, Louisville, Clarksville or Madison or any other city?", we're not New York. But, human nature is not bounded by geographic lines: people don't want to invest, not money, not time, not hope, in a city that has given up hope in itself. Failure to fix Spring Street Hill would have been a loud and clear statement that we had given up hope.

The second issue, the Baptist Tabernacle, shares many of the same contours of the Spring Street Hill debate. As most people know, the Baptist Tabernacle on Fourth Street was purchased by the city earlier in the year. It has been largely untouched awaiting a clear choice of what its use, beyond the laudible and defensible one of an example of the city's commitment to preservation, should be. Last Sunday's storm ripped the roof, original wood decking, rafters and shingles, completely off the intact brick walls. Reports say the plaster inside and the Dedication Stone are also intact. I have maintained that the building would make an oustanding, if small, City Hall. The second floor would be an unrivaled meeting hall. The first floor would make good office space.

One problem with the building before the storm damage is the fact that it would not fully alleviate the ovedrcrowded conditions facing city offices, which is a major impetus for a move from the current City County Building. The storm also damaged the metal building next door to the Tabernacle, about ten feet distant. If this property were acquired and a new City Hall built on that parcel, the combination of the new building and the restored Baptist Tabernacle would make a fully functional and inspiring building-complex in which to conduct city business. It would also direct the nearly $150,000 in yearly rent toward a city-owned asset. And it would form a clearly defined eastern boundary to the downtown section of the city. This would help transition from the commercial activities downtown to the residential nature of the surrounding streets.

The desire to move out of the City-County building is real and has been expressed by members of the Council and the Administration. These are difficult times and plenty of arguments can be expressed to wait for a better time to make this move. The condition of the Tabernacle itself can be seen as reason to abandon the project. But as a contractor I spoke with on the site of the Tabernacle said, "It's a good building, it just needs a new roof." The building is insured and the best use of the insurance settlement should be to replace the roof and commence the move toward construction of a new City Hall complex incorporating this historic jewel as the meeting room for city government.


Christopher D said...

it would appear to me that the tabernacle would be an interesting place for an annex building for certain offices of city government, but as far as being the main hub, what is the plans for ample parking for both employees as well as visitors?

G Coyle said...

Chris - keep in mind - "ample parking" is what destroyed downtown originally.

John, keep in mind as you source out a new Tabernacle roof, that southern Indiana could use some leadership on solar issues and that old/new Tabernacle roof would make a fine showcase, not to mention provide cost savings over time. Indiana is not keeping up with the rest of the nation on reducing energy consumption, where is our government support?

G Coyle said...

Also John, re. Spring St Hill Road.
I remember the road that came before that one, Main St Hill Road anyone? it had lovely big stone entrances and switchbacks up the hill. It was a beautiful Victorian "accessory" that was let rot, ala Spring Hill Road today, back in the 50s! And while we're restoring our infrastructure, the old street car line that went up along side Main St Hill Road should be used again. Let Spring Street Hill Road remain a pedestrian/bike path, as it's informally become.

John Gonder said...


The parking could be seen as a co-op venture with the church, St. Mark's. The church needs the parking on certain days only. The City could maintain the parking lot, with the maintenance costs being its "rent". It would still be available when the church needs it but also serve the community's needs.

John Gonder said...


It might be difficult to incorporate solar elements into a renewal of the Tabernacle's roof even though it would be a good idea or a good demonstration project. The lines of the building call for a classically rendered roof system, perhaps a metal roof of aluminum painted the green color of copper patina.

The work has already begun to bring Spring Street Hill back into service. Perhaps Main Street Hill could be cleaned up to be used as a light duty connector to Main Street, a walking and bike route. It could be reclaimed with attractive lighting and minimal grading if the base of the road is still relatively intact.

G Coyle said...

Yes, Wonder if any of the old Main ST Hill roadbed is still there. I'll have to take a look sometime, curious now. Might be, ya know, they built things a lot better back then. Would be nice to regain some old infrastructure for bike/walk. We used to beg our grandparents to drive that road when we were little, the switchbacks fascinated us. Go figure. By the way, it was abandoned then and a bit of an adventure to drive up. The engineering done on the Spring Hill road was awful. Straight up. Very dangerous with ice et al. The old road was much better engineered.

G Coyle said...

John, as per added solar panels to a historic's done all the time, it's all over Boston. The flatish pitch of the Tabernacle would allow the panels to "hide" from the street. The PR value of visible solar panels is not to underestimated as we try and repurpose the town for the new century. When drivers by see solar panels, it screams progressive town. From the bridge we could be easily advertising our forward thinking urban ways (choke) with a few solar installations.

John Gonder said...


Solar energy panels would normally be a welcome addition to any building. Boston or any other large city has a deeper inventory of historic structures than does New Albany. I don't think the panels would look appropriate on the Tabernacle building.

I am suggesting that the metal barn next door to the Tabernacle be acquired and razed. That building's roof would be an appropriate place to locate solar panels. The heat could be collected on the new building but piped through water pipes into the Tabernacle. The inclusion of solar heating could be the entree to some funding sources which could get the project moving.

The large windows in the Tabernacle could be incorporated into a passive-solar re-design of the building.

ecology warrior said...

here's the real lemon John , you and the rubberstamp council approved all of Doug's fiscally irresponsible spending since he took office and now you have to cut 1.4 million from the budget, good job at being responsible stewards of our limited tax dollars John! You and all the mindless spenders on the council will be remembered in 2011, that you can take to the bank.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

One area where you could do some good, John, is to crow as loudly as possible about the state's overwhelming authority.

The fact that we are just now getting numbers from the state is inexcusable. The fact that those numbers so often seem divorced from any pattern of logic may be even worse.

Municipalities should revolt en masse.

ecology warrior said...

maybe the state should take over the city operations or at least entertain the idea of a professional city mgr as opposed to the $85,000 political hack we have in Carl Malysz

John Gonder said...

Below is an excerpt from the Small Man,Mitch Daniels' State of the State address, January 15, 2008.

As New Albany and other cities around Indiana adjust to leaner times and streets without pavement,(my suggestion is to re-christen potholes as Traffic Calming Devices)raise a toast to Bush's former Budget Director and ask yourself, a la Talking Heads, "How did I get here?". Surely Mitch and Grover Norquist huddled in some dark corner during a D.C. cocktail party and chuckled at the prospect of smallish communities around the nation drowning in Norquist's allegorical bathtub.

DITCH MITCH on both sides of the Ohio. And return us to some recognition of a sense of community. The days of fascism are numbered in this land and it's time for the proponents of that sordid system to gather their belongings and go. We want our country back.

Small thoughts from the Small Man; Let's run the state like a business...

Because of a stronger economy, and businesslike stewardship of government, our fiscal situation is also profoundly better. The bankruptcy of three years ago is far behind us. The state's debts are paid. We have a surplus once again, some of which we can now return to taxpayers in the form of property tax reduction. Searching for savings is still an all day, everyday assignment, but the public's finances are responsible once more.