Sunday, August 16, 2009

Which Side Are You On?...Day 15

In Saturday's Tribune, the roving reporter of "Feet on the Street" asked the question, "What do you think of Baron Hill's decision to not hold town hall meetings about health care reform?"

One of the respondents averred, "I think a town hall meeting would be necessary. I'm not for nationalized health care, it obviously doesn't work in England."(emphasis added)

It obviously doesn't work? But where's that English chap reporting from? The Lake District perhaps? Oh, tag we're



The New Albanian said...

The respondent was 26 years old and probably was repeating what she'd heard on television, perhaps while drinking a Lite beer.

The consolation: She probably doesn't vote, either.

John Gonder said...

That opinion could well be formed from years spent in the U.K. as a research assistant for J.K.Rowling, but the fact remains that memes are pesky things.
The media fails, often, to sweep up after they have been spread around.

The Tribune though, did a notable job in trying to sort out some of the misperceptions and untruths about the issue.

The New Albanian said...

Looking forward to the multi-part "Which side are you on? New Albany" series coming soon.
